During meas 1-3 the shldrs and arms make a relaxed bouncing movement to each step


4          1-3       turn body to the ctr, step sdw on R to R, arms sway down

            4-6       bounce on L, lift L lower leg behind


5          1-3       turn body diag R and touch L ft fwd to the floor, L knee is turned in

                        The arms go through a fwd movement to the following pos: L arm is fully extended horiz sdw to L (elbow straight), R fore arm folded in at chest level (’sling pos’)

            4-6       turn body to ctr, lift L off the floor, L knee turned out, arms come back to W pos


6          1-3       step on L to L, arms sway down

            4-6       bounce on L and lift R off the floor, R lower leg points sdw to R